Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Rhubarb -Strawberry Pie

I got the recipe for this yummy pie from a cooking book of a friend of mine. It was really simple, you also can find easy recipes for this pie online.
Here,my little sunshine is making the crust.

Para la preparacion de este postre ( PYE DE RUIBARBO Y FRESAS)segui la receta de un recetario de una amiga, pero hay muchas ideas que pueden sacar en internet.
Aqui mi nena esta preparando la masa.

Making progress...I love this picture..she looks very concentrated.Miss Little Baker!

Haciendo progreso!! Me encanta esta fotografia...La pequena "C" parece muy concentrada!! "Senorita repostera"

Brushing the egg onto the crust..
Cepillando el huevo batido en la masa..

We always have time for learning while having fun!!She has lots of fun making letters from the left over crust.

Y ... como siempre tenemos tiempo para aprender jugando!!Haciendo letras con la masa sobrante..

Our final product..would you like a slice?..sorry too late. It is all gone!!It was very yummy.

Nuestro producto final...desea usted una tajada??Lo siento, muy tarde! Estuvo delicioso..ya no queda ninguna porcion.


  1. So adorable! I love how intensely she was working! Looks super yummy too! Thanks for stopping by my blog, and your lovely comment! Hope you have a wonderful afternoon! We did some crafts today for my girls American Girl dolls. We enjoy crafting, learning and cooking etc! Great finding other moms who like to do the same!
    Blessings, Jill

  2. She's so cute. She reminds me of the lady from the old ricecrispy square commercials with all that flour on her face

  3. lol...that's funny and sweet!!Thanks for your comments guys.
    big hugs
