Friday, November 12, 2010

In our Shelfs

Que hay en nuestros estantes?

These are some of our new activities for the month.

Estas son algunas de nuestras actividades del mes.

I found these scrapbook flowers at the local craft store and I tought  C will like them...I was right ..It was a big hit..She needed a little help in this activity but she really enjoys it. It is a good hand-eye coordination activity.

Encontre estas flores con alfileres en la tienda de manualidades, y pense en que a C le gustaria trabajar con estas...bueno no me equivoque..le encanto!! Es una actividad excelente para coordinacion ojo-manual. C necesita un poco de ayuda aun pero le agrada mucho.

Here are all the flowers back on the cardboard, after she is done.

Aqui estan las flores puestas en la cartulina despues de haber terminado la actividad.

Here is how it looks in the back.

Aqui es como enganchamos las flores a la cartulina.

I got this salt shaker at the store, we use some pipe cleaners and beads matching the colors.

Este es un salero en forma de hoja, utilizamos limpia pipas y cuentas para poder aparear los colores.

Here is how is done.

Asi es como procede la actividad.

Here we have some clothes pin and a empty box of shoes.

Aqui tenemos ganchos de ropa y una caja de zapatos vacia.

C needs to put the pins on the board of the box.  You also can use a pattern with the colors.

C pone los ganchos de ropa en los bordes de la caja. Tambien puede seguir la secuencia de colores de los ganchos.

Pouring white beans

Virtiendo frejoles blancos

from one container to another. ( Every time we do pouring exercise she doesn't spill at all the first time..then she wants to do a second time and she tries to spill on purpose over and over again..she gets her  cleaning tools and starts picking up her mess is funny because I am just observing her...I don't ask her to clean it...but I think she really enjoys using her broom and her dustpan).

de un embase a otro. (Casa vez que hacemos ejercicio de vertir C lo hace a la perfeccion la primera vez, luego pide hacer una segunda vez y derrama todo en el piso a proposito, por iniciativa propia ella corre y trae su escoba y recogedor y empieza a muy curioso...yo simplemente la digo nada...ella  limpia todo su desorden y sigue trabajando y otra tercera vez vuelve a hacer los mismo,.)

Transferring felt  turkeys I made for her from one container to another using tongs.

Transfiriendo pavos por el dia de gracias que hice para ella desde un recipiente a otro usando tenazas.

Here is how the activity looks after she is done.

Asi luce la actividad terminada. 

I love these Turkeys!!

Me encantan estos pavos!!

Enjoy your weekend!!Thanks for stopping by.

Que tenga un buen fin de semana...Gracias por pasar por mi blog..


  1. Beautiful work!!!

    Kisses and nice weekend.

  2. Everything looks so nice. Love the felt turkeys! Thank you for sharing.

  3. Your turkeys are way too adorable!!! Kerri

  4. I love to see "what's on the shelves" - I do regular posts like that too, it's a great way to share ideas! :) The activities you listed look like fun and those little turkeys are too cute!

  5. Thank you my friends!! It is nice to share simple ideas.

  6. FUN things to do! Also love your header picture!

    happy day!

  7. Love your blog and am so happy I found you!
    You have done a beautiful job!
    I voted for you!

  8. Thank you for your nice comments. IT is always nice yo hear what you guys think..
