Monday, November 8, 2010

Simple Crown

Una Corona Simple

I made this fast,simple and colorful crown...we call it fall crown. We used some felt for the support ,silk leaves and thread to hand sew the leaves to the felt.

Hice esta corona de una manera muy simple y rapida..Use fieltro para la base de la corona, hojas de tela de seda, hilo y aguja para coser a mano las hojas al fieltro.

Have a good Monday...Let's be peaceful and enjoy this wonderful season.

Que tengas un buen Lunes...Seamos pacificos y disfrutemos esta hermosa estacion.


  1. Beautiful and very cute!


  2. This is so cute! I am totally doing this with my kids. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Thank you ladies!!I love reading your comments.
