Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Snow Sensory Tub

Caja Sensorial de Nieve

Well we finally got snow...looks like fall is almost over around here. We are lucky to enjoy the fours seasons of the year up here..It amazes me how Mother Nature gives us these spectacular surprises!!

Finalmente llego la parecer el otono es casi pasado por aqui. Tenemos mucha suerte de gozar las cuatro estaciones en nuestro estado. Me sorprende como Madre Naturaleza nos regala estas sorpresas maravillosas.

I  prepared this snow sensory tub for C....she loved it!!! I used water mixed with food coloring for the colors.

Prepare esta caja sensorial de nieve para C...le encanto!!Use agua y colorante de comida para los colores.

She poured the water in the snow, she ate the snow, she scooped the snow and also she did some spooning exercise...this is how our  tub looks.

Despues de haber vertido el agua en la nieve, comer la nieve, manipular la nieve y transferir la nive con la cucharas...asi quedo nuestra caja.

Thank you for stopping by.
Gracias por pasar por mi blog..


  1. Fabulous idea - I will have to remember this for when the snow flies here.

  2. Oh we love doing this when it snows! It's also great putting food coloring mixed with water in an old spray bottle and letting them spray designs in the snow outside! Looks like fun!

  3. Nice idea, I lake it!


  4. Thank you for stopping by~~Jill that is a wonderful idea..thank you very much!

  5. Great idea for a sensory tub! And I love the food coloring added to water to go along with it!
