Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas Tree Activity

Actividad con un Arbol de Navidad.

I haven't had the chance to post our activities for this month..We are so busy..I can't find the time to do it, but here is one of the activities I made for C. I thought she will really liked it but she wasn't very interested on it.. :  ]
This tree is  made from felt and I used hot glue to add the velcro..the little balls are also made from felt, these represents the Christmas balls(of course).

No eh tenido tiempo de publicar nuestras actividades del mes por falta de tiempo...Pero aqui les muestro una de ellas, este es un arbol de navidad que hice de fieltro, use pegamento caliente con pistola para pegar  la cinta de velcro (o cinta pega pega)al arbol y a las bolitas (que representan las bolas de navidad).

Bueno pense que seria una idea super divertida para C, pero no se intereso mucho en esta actividad.

C needs to put the balls and the star back in the tree.

C necesita completar la activdad colocando las bolitas  y la estrella en el arbol.

I will find some time to post some other activities for this month. Have a wonderful Monday!

Encontrare el tiempo para poder publicar mas actividades para este mes. Que tenga un Lunes maravilloso!


  1. The children would just love this activity here. I am not very creative when it comes to making things, but I am going to give this a try. Thank you for sharing.

  2. This is a wonderful idea! It's too bad she wasn't very interested (it seems like every time I put a lot of thought or work into an activity, that's the one my son isn't very interested in). Is the tree stuffed? I'm just wondering how you got it to stand up. It's a beautiful little tree, hopefully she will enjoy it another time!

  3. So sweet! Love this tree work. thanks for sharing.
    :) Colleen

  4. Thanks a lot for your comments!
    Yes it is stuffed. What I did first it is cut three same triangles around 6 inch.(same size three of them,then cut another little triangle for the base about 4 inch.Put togheter the big triangles you can stitch it or use hot glue then put the stuff inside and stitch the base(the little triangle).Believe me it is very very easy to make.
    Making the little balls took me a little bit of time. I made 10 balls, first make small circles in your felt them cut them out start sewing aound the circle and put stuff inside, and close the circle(does it makes sense : ], otherways I can make another one and post the tutorial, if you guys want, yest let me know).

  5. Adorable!! You are one amazing Momma!! So creative!! Kerri

  6. Qué maravilla, me sorprende que no le haya llamado la atención, tal vez si le pides que coloque las bolitas con pinzas, aumente la dificultad y le llame más la atención, supongo que ya lo pensaste pero no me quita nada hacerte la sugerencia, espero ver las otras actividades.

  7. are so kind!!
    Feliz Mama esa es una idea verdad que no lo habia pensado!!Muchas gracias por el consejo y gracias por visitarme.

  8. What a fantastic idea! thanks for the inspiration
    ~Jada Roo
