Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Colorful Wet Felted Balls

Pelotas Coloridas de Fibra de Lana

I know...I know.. you are probably thinking another felted thing??Yes..I can't help it!! I love the finish product..they look so colorful and fun : )

Ya se lo que piensan..otro manualidad de fibra de lana..pues la paso muy bien haciendolas asi que aqui les muestro otra. : )

You will need : wool roving in different colors I get mine from here, dish detergent, wood balls and warm soapy water.

Necesitaras : Fibra de lana en diferentes colores, yo compro la mia aqui , pelotas de madera y agua tibia con detergente.

Choose a color of wool, pull gentle to get a strip.

Elige un color de fibra, jala una tira delicadamente.

 Start wrapping the wool around the ball.

Empieza a envolver la fibra alrededor de la  bola.

When you are done, you can add another color of wool to the same  ball.

Cuando termines,si deseas puedes anadir otro color de fibra a la bola.

Dip it in the warm soapy water. Then start wet felting by gently rubbing  the ball.

Sumerge la pulsera en el agua con detergente. Empieza a frotar gentilmente.

Rinse all the soap from the wool. Let it dry

Enjuaga el jabon de la fibra.Dejalo secar.

Now you have a colorful balls with soft texture. I use them for pouring activities, spooning activities, counting and playing.

Y te quedaran unas pelotas multicolores y con textura muy delicada, yo las uso para actividades de conteo (matematicas), para actividades de transferencia y para jugar mucho mucho mucho


  1. Gracias por tus tutoriales! No me cansan nunca jamas. Ya sabes mi fascinacion por todas estas manualidades al estilo Waldorf. Siempre me inspiran. Cada dia me siento mas cerca de hacer esa PRIMERA MANUALIDAD de fibra de lana. De hecho, ni sabia como se decia en espanol.
    Un abrazo!
    PD: la foto de C de tu visita a la casa de Cara me encanto.

  2. I wanted to tell you how much you brighten my day with all the wonderful comments you leave on my blog. Trust me your post about felting is growing a strong interest for me to start a new hobby. Thank you soooo much for sharing. Your blog is so inspirational to me.

  3. You all are very sweet! Thank you so much for your kind comments!

  4. Beautiful colors! I've never done them with wooden balls before. I've always just used all wool. It must save on a lot of rolling!!
    Also love your seashell candles. We did some in the summer and I made the mistake of filling them too full and the wax melted onto the table. Your water idea would have solved the problem!
    Thanks for sharing.

  5. I had to give it a try..turns out nice. thanks for visiting!
