Saturday, December 4, 2010

Time for Presents

Hora de Regalos

Here are some Christmas presents we got for C....and I know she will totally love them!!
My mom made these beautiful girl-boy  dolls for C. They are constructed with 100% natural materials and are dress up dolls. I need to make some other outfits for these treasures!

Aqui hay algunos regalos que tenemos para C..que se que le encantaran!
Mi mama le hizo estas hermosas nino-nina munecas, ella uso material completamente natural y se las puede vestir con diferentes prendas de ropa..Ahora viene mi tarea..yo necesito hacer mas ropa para que C pueda ponerle a sus nuevos tesoros.

I got these  Signing Time dvds from ebay..And I am happy to say that my Signing Time dvds collection is complete with this set! C enjoys signing since she was 11 months old.

Compre estos videos de senas (Signing Time videos) en  ebay . Estoy  emocionada ya que con este set completamos toda la coleccion.. A mi C le encanta comunicarse con lenguaje de senas desde los 11 meses de edad.
 C also loves reading these books..we usually rent them from our local library but they have few of them so we decided  to buy her some...I bought them from amazon. I like them because they are small, very light weight and perfect for  keeping her busy in the car.

A mi C le encanta leer estos libros..usualmente los rentamos de nuestra biblioteca local, pero no tienen mucha variedad, asi que decidimos comprarlos en la pagina de  amazon. Me gustan porque son pequenos, livianos y perfectos para mantenerla ocupada en el carro.

This is how they look inside..just one sentence for page.

Solo tienen una oracion por pagina.Perfectos para C.

Tomorrow C will have  her very first ballet and tap class..I just hope she will like it.

Manana C tendra su primera clase de ballet y tap ..Espero que se divierta.

I hope you guys have a wonderful weekend.

Espero que tengan un fin de semana magico.


  1. The dolls are too cute! Your mother did a fine job. I have to check out the library on these books, I like the pictures too. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Wow! Your Mom did a fabulous job! Now we know where you get all of your amazing creativity!! Kerri

  3. Tu mamá se lució con los muñecos, le han quedado preciosos, pero los demás regalos son maravillosos también, seguro que tu pequeña los disfruta mucho!

  4. Dolls are just adorable! wonderful gifts.
    Have a great week!

  5. I agree with all of you ..these dolls are super cute!

  6. I have been buying SigningTime dvd for 5 years. Our family adores them. They are wonderful aren't they?

  7. Those dolls are incredible!!Can I borrow your mother?lol. I was seriously expecting expecting you to say you'd bought them somewhere.
