Tuesday, February 8, 2011

All about hearts..

Todo acerca de corazones..

C used to ask me if she can use my pins for her own work ..so I thought on preparing  an activity for her using pins. I made these two hearts of felt and she needs to transfer the pins carefully from the red heart to the pink heart. She liked the idea but I don't think is one of her favorites.

C soplia preguntar si podia usar mis alfileres para su propio trabajo..entonces pense en preparar esta actividad de transferencia de alfileres para este mes.Hice dos corazones de fieltro uno rosado, y uno rojo, ella tiene que transferir los alfileres de un corazon al otro..Le gusto la idea pero no creo que sea una de sus favoritas.

We also did stitching a   heart with my help, she was very excited with this one!You can tell we start really good and following the line but then she decided she wanted long lines  : )

Tambien practicamos puntadas con aguja e hilo en tela, dibuje un corazon en la tela y C tenia que hacer puntadas en la linea dibujada con mi ayuda..Empezamos bien pero luego ella decidio que puntadas largas se veian mejor : )
Another little simple toddler project..Cut a heart from a cereal box and start adding tissue paper with glue.

Otro proyecto super simple para pequenitos es este, corte un corazon de una caja de cereal y pegamos papel cometa.

Snack Time..A delicious peanut butter and jelly sandwich with some decorative sprinkles. Got the idea from here.Smita has lovely ideas.

Hora de el bocadillo.. un delicioso sandwich  de mantequilla de mani con mermelada y unos granitos dulces decorativos.La idea la encontre aqui. Smita tiene ideas muy lindas.

I hope you have a good time making Valentines projects!

Que se la pasen bien haciendo los proyectos de San Valentin!


  1. Hello my friend! Wonderful activity on the pin transfer!!

    I do have a question for you. Are you still introducing Chinese words? If so, do you mind sharing how you are choosing the words and presenting them to C?

    Thanks! Kerri

  2. Hi Kerri, It is always nice to hear from you my friend!Thanks for visiting us : )

    Yes I do, so far C has a 100 chinese words in her vocabulary and so do we!You know none of our family members speaks chinese so it was a big challenge start with this proyect but at the same time fun!
    I started choosing 5 words a week..or sometimes 5 words every two weeks whenever we get too busy.I decided to make 5 categories and then pick 1 word for category a week. these are my categories:
    -dairy vocabulary
    This list is a big help for me to get the words.For example, for February I choose for feelings the word friendship,for food we choose the word cookie,for nature we choose the word windy, for seasonal we choose the word valentines and for dairy vocabulary we choose the word cereal.

    This list categories help me to find more and more words to fill or chinese vocabulary.

    After choosing the words I go go goggle translate and find out the translation for the word in simplied chinese and also the pronounciation.
    Then I print the chinese character in one side of the paper and on the back site a picture of the meaning.
    That is it!!
    we practice our chinese words every night before going to bed.
    I had to learn twinkle twinkle in chinese as well..it is cute!I keep singing it for C and now she keeps singing it for us..they learn fast.I learned it from videos in you tube.

    Also there is hreat resource It helped a lot, you can find lots of files in different language and you can shor them to your child in the computer. I usually do it once every two days. I don't want C sit in the computer too much..I prefer her dancing and doing other activities but like I say three ot two times a week is fine for us.
    this is the link.


    Hope I didn't confused you with all this info : ).

  3. Hi Patty!

    You are amazing! Thanks for getting back to me and for all this amazing and detailed information! It was not confusing at all.

    I greatly appreciate you sharing all that you do with me!

    I will check out the site right now!

    Hugs back! Kerri

  4. You are very welcome my friend. I also forgot to mention that I bought dvds in chinese it called " little pim" they have it in different language..these are very cute.C watches those dvds onec or twice a week for 20 minutes..she likes them..and reinforces the hearing and the vocabulary in chinese.
    If you have any other questions please feel free to let me know.
    Big hugs
