Saturday, February 12, 2011

In pain!

Mucho dolor!

Hello my friends, I'm having a very difficult time in my life, my beloved grandmother died yesterday! It hurts so much. It seems that part of my life is gone and I can not do anything about it ... I am not  inspired to post anything  about homeschooling for now , I have to get well and live my life, but it is very difficult! I will be out of posting for a while, I need some time to heal.
  I never thought this moment will come .. was very quick and painful at the same time .. my heart feels empty and I don't like it.

  If you have  lost  someone close to you , please tell me how to retrieve, since it seems impossible at this time.

Hola mis amigos, estoy pasando un momento muy difícil en mi vida, mi querida abuela falleció ayer! Me duele tanto,parece que parte de mi vida se ha ido y no puedo hacer nada al respecto ... no estoy inspirada  para publicar todo lo relacionado sobre la educación en el hogar por ahora, tengo que recuperarme y seguir viviendo mi vida, pero es muy difícil ! Voy a estar fuera de mi blog  por un tiempo, necesito algun tiempo para sanar.

Nunca he pensado que este momento llegaria .. fue muy rápido y doloroso a la vez ..siento que mi corazon esta vacio y no puedo llenarlo con nada.
Si usted ha experimentado perder a  alguien tan cercano a usted por favor dígame cómo se recupera, ya que parece imposible en este momento.



  1. Lo siento mucho y te acompaño en el sentimiento. Lo unico que necesitas es tiempo y pensar en lo bueno que ha dejado y has vivido con ella, solo eso puede ir poco a poco curando tu dolor. olvidate de los ultimos momentos.

    muchos besos y abrazos

  2. I will pray for you and your family. My grandmothers passed almost nine years ago, I stil miss them everyday! Only time will make it easier and the love you receive from your family everyday. I feel so sorry about your pain. We must remember that your grandmother has made it to better place. We all grieve differently the best thing you are doing right now is at least sharing your pain. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. I'm so sorry for your lost! I'm thinking of you.


  4. I am so sorry for your loss and what you are going through. I myself, have never lost someone close to me and I am afraid that I will feel much like you! I pray that you are surrounded with good friends, family, and our Lord's loving embrace. That you will feel his love, warmth, and calming effects in your life so that you may heal your heart, soul and mind!

  5. Únicamente el tiempo, la rutina ( bendita ella!) y el cariño de los tuyos hará que el dolor se vaya haciendo más llevadero.Suena a tópico pero es así.

    Sé que te sientes vacía, que te enfadas porque quisieras cambiarlo y esto no se puede cambiar, que a veces sientes que no podrás pero sí que podrás y lo harás porque sabes que ella así lo quisiera.

    Perdí a mi madre hace ya 8 meses de forma inesperada y sé que al principio estás en shock, luego te ves en un pozo sin luz pero poco se encuentra la salida y ahora casí la veo al final diciéndome que lo estoy haciendo bien.

    Te mando un fuerte abrazo y mi más sentido pésame.

  6. Oh Patty! I am so very sorry and wish that I could send you a hug right now.

    I wish that I could give you some advice but I have not lost a very close family member. However, I am very close with my own Grandmother. So, I can imagine how much you loved and respected her. I hope that you can find some comfort in knowing that she will always be watching over you now. I know it is hard to think about that because you don't want her watching to be from afar. However, she will always be in your heart. She will live on through you and all that you tell C about her too! I am certain that your Grandmother was very proud of the amazing little girl you are raising and what a fabulous Momma you are!

    You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

    Peace be in your heart my friend!

    Please do not hesitate to let me know if I can help you in anyway.


  7. Patty, qué duro momento por el que estás pasando, espero que encuentres pronto la resignación y la paz, después de todo es el ciclo de la vida, gracias a Dios la tuviste a tu lado y compartiste con ella.
    Aquí te esperamos cuando tu corazón comienze a sanar, seguro que con tu pequeña al lado, todo se curará pronto!
    Muchas Bendiciones!!!

  8. So very sorry for your loss.... unfortuneately the pain never seems to go away, but time does begin to heal. I understand your grief, I've lost so many people in my life way too early. Sending you hugs, take the time you need....


  9. Hola, quería decirte que siento mucho lo de tu abuela, la mia se fue el 4 de nov.2010, la extraño mucho.
    Te felicito por tu blog es muy interesante, lo mejor es que está traducido al español también.
    Un gran abrazo desde Santiago de Chile.

  10. Thank you for your support!! I miss her so much..It is being a difficult week but I think I feel a little relieve that she is in heaven with my grandfather!

    Gracias a todos por el apoyo! De verdad que lo necesito.Ah sido una semana dificil pero estoy un poco aliviada de dolor porque se que ella esta en el paraiso junto a mi abuelo!

  11. Dear Patty,

    I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother. It was very hard for me when my grandmothers died, too. One grandmother died in her sleep, and I just learned of her death when my family and I arrived at the hospital with Mother's Day flowers for her. What helped the most for me was talking about the wonderful memories I had of my grandmothers.

    You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Sending you lots of love and ((((hugs)))), Deb

  12. My heart breaks for you... I had started up an education blog a few years ago and shortly thereafter my beloved grandmother passed away 2 weeks before she was to move across the country to be near us. It was so very hard. I totally understand your lack of desire to blog right now. That poor blog of mine bit the dust. I just needed time - time to remember, time to let go, time to heal.

    I'm praying for you during this time when you are missing her so acutely.

  13. Patty, I am just checking in on you to let you know that you are still in my thoughts and prayers. Take care. Kerri
