Huevos en Fieltro
Here are couple of activities I prepared for C as part of our April Easter Activities. This eggs quantities are very simple to make, I follow this idea from one of my posts in February. You just need to cut the shape of an egg in felt of different colors and then cut them in half and paint the numbers and the dots with fabric paint.
Aqui les presento dos actividaes que prepare para C como parte de las Actividades de Abril. Los huevos quantitativos son muy simples de hacer, copie la misma idea que presente en Febrero de corazones . Solo se cortan formas de huevo en fieltro de diferentes colores, se cortan por la mitad y pintan los numeros y puntos usando pintura en tela.
I made felt eggs from 1-20..but I am just presenting 10 at the time.
Hice huevos de fieltro del 1-20..pero solo presento 10 a la hora.
MATCHING COLORS USING VELCRO TAPE / Emparejar huevos por color usando cinta velcro
These are felt eggs, I used Velcro tape for C to put them together.
Estos son huevos hechos a la mitad , hechos de fieltro rellenos de algodon de peluche, y para unirlos puse cinta velcro.
This is how it looks.
Haci es como luce.
Next time I will post our Shelf April Activities.
La proxima vez posteare nuestras Actividades de Abril.
Have a magic day..
Ten un dia magico.
The felt eggs are so great. I guess your girl loves the sound they make during opening. I hope I am skilled enough to make them for my boys. Thank you for sharing.
Preciosos como siempre, gracias por las ideas!