Thursday, April 28, 2011

Spring Felt Story Board

Cuentos de Primavera de Fieltro

I wanted to post about our Felt story board months ago but I totally forgot! Every month I make new patterns for this story board..This months is spring theme so I made some felt  trees, flowers,sun,birds,butterfly and seeds. Every time we create a different story using this felt pictures..I tell the story first and then C tells a story too.She really likes"story time".

Queria escribir sobre nuestras fabulas  hace meses  pero se me olvidó por completo! Bueno, aquí esta, cada mes hago nuevas figuras de fieltro  para este pizarrin .. Este mes es el tema de la primavera, así que hice algunos árboles,  flores, el sol, los pájaros, mariposas y semillas. Cada vez que creamos una historia diferente usando estos figurines ..
Yo cuento una fabula  primero y luego C cuenta otra fabula.Tomamos turnos..A ella le agrada mucho "la hora de fabulas".

Please if you need me to give you the patterns for this board let me know.
Si usted desea que comparta los patrones de las figuras de fieltro,hagamelo saber en el area de comentarios.


  1. Your handmade goods always come out so nice! I really do like this. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Hi, you don't know me, but I recently joined a themed felt board swap with some friends, and I have the month of May. This Spring theme would be perfect, are you able to email templates/instructions?

  3. Hi, you don't know me, but I recently joined a themed felt board swap with some friends, and I have the month of May. This Spring theme would be perfect, are you able to email templates/instructions?
