Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Dentist Cards Doc.

Tarjetas de Dentista

Like I've  mentioned before C is very interested in knowing about jobs and occupations, she likes to play to pretend that she's a doctor, nurse or a dentist. I thought it will be a perfect time to present her these cards.

Como he mencionado antes C está muy interesada en saber acerca de los trabajos y ocupaciones, le gusta pretender que es un médico, una enfermera o un dentista. Pensé que seriá el  momento perfecto para presentarle  estas tarjetas.

Here to download the Dentis Cards in English / Para imprimir las tarjetas en Ingles

Here to download the Dentist Cards in Spanish / Para imprimir las tarjetas en Espanol

I put together this basket with thing related to our theme.. I wanted to put simple everyday things we use. I  filled  this cute bottle with water and coloring food to pretend it's  mouthwash liquid.

Prepare esta  canasta relacionada con nuestro tema .. Quería poner  cosas  simples y cotidianas que usamos a diario . Lllene  esta botella pequena con  agua y colorante azul  de alimentos para pretender que es líquido de enjuague bucal.

Then we painted this printable from here with watercolors.

Luego pintamos esta ficha de esta pagina usando acuarelas.

I also   made a set of cards for our  Doctor theme weeks ago, You can see them here.

Hace unas semanas hice un set de tarjetas de Doctor. Puedes verlas aqui .

 Have a great day!
Que tengan un dia maravilloso!



  1. I love your basket. What a great idea! My daughter has been very in to brushing her teeth and scraping her tongue lately, so she might enjoy a few more tools :)

  2. Muy buena actividad!
