Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Kids Camping Day At Our Backyard

Dia de Acampar con Amiguitos en Nuestro Jardin

Last week I was on camping fever so I organized a Camping Day at our house for C and her friends...Huge hit! Everyone had lots of fun.
I made a simple sign "Welcome to Camp" using colors and paper and hang it up at our fence door.

La semana pasada estuve con el bichito de acampar, asi que se me ocurrio la idea de organizar un ida de acampada en nuestro jardin de la casa y nada mejor que invitar a los amigos de C. Fue la bomba! Todos hasta los mas pequenitos se la pasaron super bien.Colgue un letrero en la reja que decia "Bienvenidos al campamento"

I also made  felt banners that go all around our backyard, I used different colors of felt stitched to ribbon. (I use my sewing machine..way faster) It looked very colorful and made a difference.

Tambien utilize mi maquina de coser para hacer banderetas de fieltro, use diferentes colores, le trajo color y alegria a nuestro dia...como que le dio otra cara a nuestras rejas del jardin, coloque las banderetas alrededor de todas las rejas.


Of course we had tents out for little campers to take a nap if they need to...And most of them did!! Each child brought his own sleeping bag.

Y por supuesto tuvimos tiendas de acampar para los pequenos que quieran tomar unas siesta o simplemente jugar en estas.Cada nene trajo su bolsa de dormir.

We set up some activities like, painting and coloring sheets with our theme "camping" I printed from here

Pusimos mesas de actividades para colorear y pintar relacionadas con el  tema de "acampar" las impimi de aqui

A reading area

Una manta con libros para leer
                                                                                 Golf game
                                                                         Jugaron mini golf

Chalk Board
Pizarra con tizas

My husband made this pumpkin bean bag board for the last Halloween but we decided could be fun to use it in our camping day too, instead of bean bags (I cant remember where I put them) we use some colorful balls.

Mi esposo hizo este juego de la calabaza el Halloween pasado y tambien decidimos incorporarlo como otro de los juegos para este dia, en vez de saquitos de frejoles usamos pelotas.

Each kid had the chance to roast his/her own hot dog and marshmallows.
-We also play water balloons, Simon says and play in the swing set. What a great day!!

Cada uno de los ninos cocino su propio hot-dog en la parrillita y tambien tuvivmos malvabiscos.
Tambien jugamos con globos de agua, Simon dice y jugamos en los comlumpios. Pero si la pasamos bien!



  1. Awesome! Thank you for inspiring me! This is truly something I am going to do. Looks like you all had a lot of fun. You are so creative!! Thank you for sharing.

  2. What a great mom you are! We used to do that when our boys were little, but it was hard for me. I let them have friends camp out if they asked, but I never suggested it! They used to love to sleep on the trampoline!

  3. So fun!! I want to do this this summer :)

  4. You rock! I understand how much work it is to put together such a great event! I'm tired just thinking of pitching all those tents!

  5. How fun! I have been wanting to camp out in our back yard but have not done it. I am inspired now!

  6. You should give it a try!Nothing better than see all these kids having so much fun!
    It is a lot work,,at the end of the day I was so so tired(I am 8 months pregnant so it makes it challenging).
