Wednesday, May 30, 2012

We Are Rich!

in Nature!

Somos Ricos....en Naturaleza!

                                             Let's give our children the opportunity to explore..

Demos a nuestros ninos la oportunidad de explorar..


Too admire..

 de admirar..

To relax..

   de relajarse..

  To play...

   de jugar..

To look around..

   De apreciar su alrededor..

 do you know that?
-Fewer and fewer youth are heading outdoors each year
-The American childhood has rapidly moved indoors, leading to epidemic levels of childhood obesity and inactivity.
-"Nature deficit disorder” to describe the way children grow up deprived of wading in muddy creeks.
- Americans love their national parks, but they sometimes love video games more. 

                                                                       Source; The New York Times here to read the article.

Sabias que?
-Menos es la cantidad de ninos y gente joven que sale al aire libre cada anio
- La ninez americana prefiere pasar su tiempo dentro de la casa, incrementando el porcentaje de obesidad e inactividad.
-"Trastorno de déficit de naturaleza "es la manera de describir como los niños crecen sin poder caminar en los arroyos y jugar en el barro.
- Los Americanos aman sus parques nacionales pero algunas veces prefieren mas los video juegos.

Fuente; The New York Times, aqui para leer el articulo.

We went camping days ago and we are looking to spend as much time doing outdoor as we can, you may be asking?..aren't you 8 months pregnant? You must be out of your mind! The answers is...YES folks, I am!

Fuimos a acampar hace unos dias, y estamos planeando hacerlo seguido como de costumbre, salir a disfrutar del aire libre es lo mejor que la naturaleza puede ofrecernos, pero solo hay que pagar un precio "las picaduras de mosquitos" nada mas senores! No es un precio tan caro..verdad?
Me imagino que se estan preguntando..pero tu a llevas 8 meses de embarazo? te volviste loca? Mi respuesta es : SI amigos, estoy loca!

 Vote for outdoors!

Elije ir al aire te quedes en casa!


  1. You have my vote. It is a shame. When I was growing up my father made it a top priority to go camping every year. I on other hand have not kept up with this tradition. I am not giving up though!! I think it has more to do with advancement in technology. When I was growing up all we had was the great outdoors to keep us entertained. Love the photos,and wished I could of been there. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Great pictures! This is so true so many families are neglecting nature and it's so sad... So glad you are out there enjoying it.


  3. You are so right! Back when I was a child my grandmother and parents exposed all kids(brother and lots of cousins)to go camping,to go to the beach,climb on rocks,hike,walks,climb on fruit trees and get our yummy fruit.
    My grandmo had 14 grandkids and we all used to get together every weekend..the only toys we used to play with it was a leather handmade ball!!thats it.and we had a magic childhood.

    Now our kids are exposed to all these junk toys, screen toys for long hours per day, If they dont have all these stuff kids get bored, Their brain can function without them.
    What about imagination?nature? the best of all its free!

    Thanks for commenting in my post.Look forward to see some pictures of you and outdoors.


  4. Qué fotos y qué paisajes. Preciosos!

  5. I agree ~ outdoors is the greatest teacher, greatest way to diffuse energy and the greatest way to absorb beauty! I can't wait to hit the tent trails with my girls this year. Enjoy!
