Sunday, July 29, 2012

Bebe Fiesta

Baby M is one month old!! Love this picture. He seems half smiling : )

Bebe M tiene un mes de edad!! Me encanta esta foto, parece que esta medio sonriendo : )

One of his favorite things to look at its this baby white and black blanket I made before he was born.

Uno de sus pasatiempoes es contemplar esta manta que hize antes de que naciera este bello bebe.

I used polar fleece fabric with some left overs fabric I used to make the baby mobile. I followed this tutorial.

Use tela de material polar y tambien tela que me sobro del movil para bebe que hize algun tiempo atras. Segui este tutorial.


  1. Qué bebé tan guapo!! Enhorabuena!!

  2. Congratulations! He is gorgeous! The blanket looks huge next to him LOL
    How do you find having two now? I'm finding it quite challenging : )

  3. Beautiful baby boy! The minty blanket turned out very well! Great job Mama!


  4. Ya ha pasado un mes!! Felicidades por ese precioso bebé!
