Mascara de Mariposa
Since we have a new baby at home we are changing our routine a little bit, C still has activities to work on her classroom at home, these are 100% self-independent. One of these activities was to create a mask, this week she made a butterfly mask.
(These kind of activities give me some time to change diapers, check on the laundry or just breastfeed baby)
Bueno aun estamos ajustando la nueva rutina de tener un nuevo bebe en casa, asi que eh preparado actividades en los estantes totalmente auto-independientes para C. Una de estas actividades es crear tus propios proyectos de arte, esta vez fue una mascara de mariposa.
(Este tipo de actividades me dan tiempo libre para cambiar el panal del hermanito,checkear la lavanderia o simplemente darle el pecho)
I put in the tray : small pieces of felt,feathers,glitter,buttons,flower felt stickers and she also use dot and dot paint, markers , pipe cleaners and purple foam that she cut from a butterfly pattern.
Puse en la bandeja : pequenos pedacitos de fieltro,plumas de colores,escarche o brillantina,botones, pegatinas de flores, limpia pipas, marcadores y goma eva.
Then she used her imagination and put this mask together.
C uso su imaginacion y creo su mascara.
Then we played and flew around the house.
I wonder what will she create next week?
Luego jugamos y pretendimos ser mariposas volando alrededor de la casa.
La proxima sema..que creara?
Qué bonita le ha quedado!