For C most of the time is a challenge to open a bottle, daddy made for C this wood board with some bottle caps attached to it. So C can practice her fine motor skills , hand -eye coordination and also opening bottles all by herself!!
Para C es un desafio completo abrir botellas, entonces Papa creo para ella un tablero de madera con tapas de plastico de botellas adjuntas al mismo.
C puede practicar abrir y cerrar botellas por si sola y tambien desarrollar su moticidad fina y su coordinacion ojo-manual.
Also we can practice biggest,big and small (because we have three different sizes of caps). I mix the caps and she needs to find out where they go.
Tambien podemos practicar los diferentes tamanos, el mas grande, el grande y el pequeno, ya que pusimos tres diferentes tamanos de tapas en la tabla. Mezclo las tapas y C tiene que encontrar el lugar correcto donde esta corresponde.
She likes to "work" with this little board. She felt really proud when she could put the right cap on the right place all by herself!
Le gusta el "trabajo" con esta pequeña tabla. Se sintio muy orgulloso cuando pudo poner la tapa en el lugar correcto por si sola.
This a great idea Patty, could be perfect for Ian who has problems screwing the lids. This week he is having fun with his "Opening and Closing" activity. I set up a basket that contains six containers which all open differently. To provide an additional point of interest, I placed a small object (that I am rotating) into each container that can be fetched when the container is opened.
Sandy thank you for your is another link from my blog:
I think is the same activity you do with little Ian. I have to say that Catalina had lost interest in this one. I tried to place different items but she stills refuses to work with the open and close box.Maybe later but for now she is very interested in the board.We will see.
Thanks for stopping by. God bless and enjoy nature.
This is really nice, a brilliant idea!! Wonderful in all aspects. Following the child. Thank you for sharing.
Way to go Daddy! Cool idea.
WoW Estupenda idea!!
ohh that is so cool :)
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