Fall is here..I am very excited to start making fall projects and seeing the colors of nature changing.Here are some photos of our hike from last weekend.It was beautiful.
El otoño está aquí .. Estoy muy emocionado de empezar a hacer proyectos de otoño y ver como cambian los colores de la naturaleza.Estas son algunas fotos de nuestra ultima caminata del fin pasado.El paisaje es hermoso.
Here is a view to the sky and the gorgeous trees.
Aquí está una vista al cielo y los magníficos árboles.
Little C reaching the leafs with daddy's help.
La pequena C alcanzando las hojas con la ayuda de papá.
A view of the lake from the trails.
La vista al lago desde los senderos.
C watching the fishes swim in the lake.
C viendo nadar a los peces en el lago.
Feeling how cold is the water.
Sintiendo que tan fria esta el agua del lago.
Climbing up the hill ..daddy and little C in his arms.
Subiendo por la colina .. papa cargando a C
Run beautiful child.. be free!!
Corre corre hermosa nina...se libre!!
Beautiful moment. C asked daddy if he can carry her and give him a big hug.
Momento Hermoso.C le pidió a papá si podia cargarla y le dio un fuerte abrazo.
Just Wonderful....Thank you mother nature!
Maravilloso .... Gracias a la madre naturaleza!
The needs of mankind are universal. Our means of meeting them create the richness and diversity of the planet. The Montessori child should come to relish the texture of that diversity. Maria Montessori
Las necesidades de la humanidad son universales. Nuestras necesidades de conocerlas crean la riqueza y diversidad del planeta. El niño Montessori debe venir a deleitar la textura de esa diversidad. Maria Montessori
Beautiful! Our leaves are just starting to turn.
lovely :)
Your pictures are gorgeous, especially that of Little C hugging her daddy.
Qué bueno tenerte de regreso!
Preciosas fotos!!!!!!!!!!
Cuántas ganas de estar ahí
Patty, thank you for the books about Waldorf education you suggested to me.
I am looking for some inspiration to give my son more access to nature and creative play, so I'll check those book.
I wish we could enjoy the nature the way you do, but it's quite dangerous to go out where we live, but fortunatelly we have a big garden at home.
Dear Sandy, you are very welcome!!Living in Alaska has also her pros..Winter in right in the corner it means we will have about 5 months of snow,darkness and cold!!We try to get the best of summer, we need to go and enjoy nature everyday before winter gets here...but we like the snow...but not too much the darkness : ]
Nothing better than having your own garden..you can cultivate your own vegetables..it is great!
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