I got this cool idea from this blog.
Little "C" had a super messy fun day gluing the yarn in the balloon. You will need yarn,balloon,glue and lots of water to wash hands!!.
Obtuve la idea de este blog.
La pequena "c" tuvo un dia lleno de diversion pegando la lana en el globo. Para este proyecto necesitaras lana,globos,pegamento y mucha agua para lavarse las manos.
Here my sunshine is gluing the yarn in the balloon.
Aqui mi nena esta pegando la lana en el globo.
We finished gluing the yarn around the middle of the balloon.
Terminamos de pegar la lana en la mitad del globo.
We let it dry for 48 hours.
Dejamos secar la lana pegada en el globo por 48 horas.
Little "C" popped the balloon (she really enjoyed this part,she kept asking for more balloons to pop).
La pequena "C" revento el globo (le gusto reventar el globo..me pidio mas globos para reventar).
Here is the final product. We put inside a small tea light candle.
Aqui esta el producto final.Pusimos un vela con base de metal adentro de la linterna de lana.
Just beautiful!!
Simplemente bonito!
Little sunshine admiring her wonderful work.Beautiful moments to remember!
Mi nena admirando la belleza de su trabajo. Momentos hermosos para recordar!
Sorry I've deleted by accident all the comments. I apologize to the people who commented in this post, and thank you for your kindness.
Wow beautiful :) lovely project
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