Tuesday, July 6, 2010

reading time

We did this reading activity I downloaded a while ago for free from:
http://www.montessoriforeveryone.com/Free-Downloads_ep_35-1.html ; CLICL on Language Material and then clicl on Alphabetical Order.
Well, My "C" knew all the words,she was done very quickly. Since she was a baby she was very interested in books and letters. She is in the process of reading phonetically phrases now.

Hicimos una actividad de lectura que descargue de internet hace un tiempo atras sin algun costo, aqui esta la pagina donde la decargue:
Solo haz clicl en Language Material y luego clicl on Alphabetical Order.
Mi pequena "C" sabia leer estas palabras,ella termino esta actividad en un tiempo corto.Desde que "C" era una bebe mostro mucho interes en libros y luego en letras. Ahora ella esta en proceso de leer foneticamente frases.


Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing this great idea and link. I will be using it too!

Olives and Pickles said...

You are very welcome!!