Guess who was the winner???YES!!It was ME.. Thank you Mommy Moment and thank you Perrytech Montessori.I was so excited when I found out..I couldn't believe it.
We got the package days ago..little C was very very excited.
Hace un tiempo gane un sorteo organizado por Mommy Moment.El premio era $100 de credito en compras para usarlas en Perrytech Montessori .
Muchas gracias!!!
Recibimos el paquete hace dias...La pequena C estaba super emocionada!
She loved loved loved her World Puzzle Map...she did her puzzle three times in a row as soon as she opened the box.
A ella le encanto el Rompecabezas del Mapa del Mundo...lo hizo tres repetidas despues que abrio el paquete.
And the next day she did it again and again.
Y al dia siguiente lo hizo una y otra vez.
We also got the Colored Bead Stair.
Tambien nos llego La Escalera de perlas de colores.
And The small Numerical Rods (2 sets with box and numbers)...I know..pretty cool!
Y las barras numéricas pequeñas (2 juegos con caja y números) ... super genial.
And a Stand for a Pink Tower (we needed one for our homemade tower I know is not pink but I like it that way too).
Y por ultimo un estante para nuestra torre (la torre la fabricamos en casa).
congrats! Beautiful materials :-)
Oh happy is the day when Montessori materials arrive at the door!!
I'm so excited for you! Enjoy your new goodies!
Counting Coconuts
Congratulations! That's wonderful!
That is great! Congrats to you! I would love to have the small numerical rods! Enjoy them!
Que torre tan hermosa! Y que lindo tu blog. Tu lenguaje es excelente en ambos idiomas. Te admiro mucho.
Un abrazo y mucha PAZ
Thank you everybody for your lovely lovely lovely comments!
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