Every activity related with language we always do two groups one in spanish and one in english.
La pequena C ha estado haciendo esta actividad por mucho tiempo, ella ya domina estas palabras, pero aún le gusta hacer esto. Tenemos los grupos de palabras en español e Inglés.
Todas las actividades relacionadas con lenguaje siempre disenamos dos grupos, uno en español y el otro en Inglés.
English group of words
En Ingles
Spanish group of words
En Espanol
Love this idea! You always inspire me! Kerri
Patty, I am curious about the language you and your husband speak with your daughter? My family, as yours, is bilingual and I'd love you tell me a bit about how you are raising a bilingual child.
And thank you for the message you left in my blog. I am feeling better.
He tenido en mente hacer esto desde hace tiempo, no sé por qué no lo he hecho, ahora que sé que a pesar del tiempo a tu pequeña le sigue gustando, lo voy a intentar.
Gracias por pasar a mi blog
Kerri, thank you very much for your kind words.
Sandy,my husband speaks english to her and I speak 100% spanish. Whenever we do language activities I do in different times when we do english vocabulary I speak english to her.This is the only time when I speak english to her.
She understand both language very well, she is a little story teller..Sometimes she speaks english to me and I ask her pleaase can you speak spanish to mommy, you can speak english to your daddy. she says the hole sentence again but in spanish for mommy. She understand very well the difference between both language.As I mention on my profile we are also teaching her chinese simplified, we try to make a list of 5 words every 10 days, write them down in her language area and whenever she asks what it says here we say it and show her the picture ...so far she knows more than 30 words in chinese. BUt I have to say children learn so naturally!! It is hard to explain how kids develop the language besides just listening their enviroment. I think it is very important to be persistent,speaking to her, reading to her,playing with her...keep giving her opportunities to improve her vocabulary and gramar.
Thank you Patty. My son has language delay. He understands both languages but most of his words are in English. We usually live in isolated places where we don't enough socialization opportunities so, my son is learning both language just at home. My husband speaks English to him but I mix both languages, as many of our languages resources (books, videos, music, etc.) are in English.
wow that's fantastic, I have yet to introduce a similar activity to my daughter
you have been featured on the Montessori Goldmine
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