I love baking with little C because it gives her the chance to get messy and feel different textures..it is really fun!
Here for the video recipe. I also like to try different recipes...you know just looking on line..I was really surprised this recipe turned out really yummy (was very very easy too).
Me gusta hacer reposteria con la pequena C porque le da la oportunidad de experimentar nuevas texturas,olores y probar nuevos sabores.
Aqui esta la receta para estas galletas de avena, siempre busco preparar nuevas recetas, variar es importante.Fue muy facil, rapido y muy rico.

Mixing the ingredients.
Mezclando ingredientes.

Why use a spoon if we can use our hands...right?
Para que usar una cuchara si podemos usar las manos...verdad?

Mommy...look my hands...are dirty!!cool..
Mami mira mis manos..estan sucias!!GENIAL

Here I gave her a spoon to show her another way we can mix our ingredients.
Le di una cuchara para mostrarle que tambien podemos usar otro medio para la mezcla.

Ready to go in the oven..
Al horno..

I need some water...trying these ingredients made me thirsty..
Necesito beber agua...de tanto probar los ingredientes me dio sed.

yummy the cookies are ready!!
mmmmm...las galletas estan listas!!

For making it funner I put some vanilla frosting and dried fruit..
Para que la presentacion sea mas mona use un poquito de glaseado de vainilla y frutas secas.

Perfect snack for a cloudy afternoon. This beautiful blanket was made by auntie Cara...Thank you Cara!! We love you.
Un bocadillo perfecto para una tarde nublada..Esta linda manta la hizo la tia Cara, gracias!!Te queremos.

With a glass of milk...we are ready to enjoy the birds singing in our backyard.
Con un vaso de leche...listas para disfrutar el cantico de los pajaritos en el jardin.

Thanks to God for this great afternoon.
Gracias Dios por esta maravillosa tarde juntas.
Here for the video recipe. I also like to try different recipes...you know just looking on line..I was really surprised this recipe turned out really yummy (was very very easy too).
Me gusta hacer reposteria con la pequena C porque le da la oportunidad de experimentar nuevas texturas,olores y probar nuevos sabores.
Aqui esta la receta para estas galletas de avena, siempre busco preparar nuevas recetas, variar es importante.Fue muy facil, rapido y muy rico.
Mixing the ingredients.
Mezclando ingredientes.
Why use a spoon if we can use our hands...right?
Para que usar una cuchara si podemos usar las manos...verdad?
Mommy...look my hands...are dirty!!cool..
Mami mira mis manos..estan sucias!!GENIAL
Here I gave her a spoon to show her another way we can mix our ingredients.
Le di una cuchara para mostrarle que tambien podemos usar otro medio para la mezcla.
Ready to go in the oven..
Al horno..
I need some water...trying these ingredients made me thirsty..
Necesito beber agua...de tanto probar los ingredientes me dio sed.
yummy the cookies are ready!!
mmmmm...las galletas estan listas!!
For making it funner I put some vanilla frosting and dried fruit..
Para que la presentacion sea mas mona use un poquito de glaseado de vainilla y frutas secas.
Perfect snack for a cloudy afternoon. This beautiful blanket was made by auntie Cara...Thank you Cara!! We love you.
Un bocadillo perfecto para una tarde nublada..Esta linda manta la hizo la tia Cara, gracias!!Te queremos.
With a glass of milk...we are ready to enjoy the birds singing in our backyard.
Con un vaso de leche...listas para disfrutar el cantico de los pajaritos en el jardin.
Thanks to God for this great afternoon.
Gracias Dios por esta maravillosa tarde juntas.
What a great afternoon you had! I was planning to prepare oatmeal cookies with Ian as he is fascinated with the texture of the oats. Thanks your sharing!
Looks like delicious and fun activity :)
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