Thank you!

The Versatile Blogger has these rules:
Rule Number 1. Thanks the person who gave you the award! Thanks Sandy very much!!
Rule Number 2. Share 7 things about you
I love my family
I love nature
I love summer
I love making crafts for my daughter to enjoy
I love sundays
I love rice pudding
I love traveling
Rule Number 3. Pass the award to 15 bloggers you've recently discovered and think are FABULOUS!
Well Here they go..
Twig and Toadstool
Two sweet things
Moment to Moment
A Montessori Nursing Place
Notes on an Aria
Child in Harmony
chocolate eyes
con la cabeza en las nubes
Pink and Green Mama
Cultivated lives
two little seeds
Elle belles bows
Handmade beginnings
living montessori now
Montessori For Learning
All these great blogs are very worth to read!! Thank you for the great ideas mama bloggers.
wow thank you so much for this award, I love all those things on your list as well! :)
I SO appreciate the award, Patty. I’m honored and truly grateful. Thank you, thank you, thank you! By the way, I love the things you're doing with your daughter!
Thank you so much for the award. I really appreciate it.
happy day!
Thank you for thinking about me. It is very kind and I am very grateful xxxx
I will look at some of the ones I have not heard of before. xxx
Love blog awards! It is so much fun to make other bloggers feel appreciated and get some acknowledgment. Congrats on the award.
Thank you so much for the great honor, it so very rewarding that people find what we have to share interesting and worth sharing.
Thank you!!!
i will have to check them out:) love your site, too:)
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